Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bad Driving Rant #1: Driving Too Slow

If you and/or your vehicle are incapable of reaching and maintaining the speed limit, then get off the road.

Myth #1: Driving slower is safer.

Fact #1: Most of the time, it in fact is not. For instance, say you're driving on a highway in the mountains of southwestern Virginia, where the speed limit is 55. Those roads have quite a few large turns, limiting the visibility to only a 50 or 100 yards at certain points. So say you're going 35mph, and the guy coming up behind you is maintaining 55mph...he comes up behind you you think he's going to have time to stop or swerve around you?
This also applies to you idiots who slam on the brakes on the interstate when it starts to rain. In case you slept through that part of Driver's Ed, the road is in fact it's MOST slippery condition the first few minutes that it starts to rain. So all that brake slamming is really just rear-ending waiting to happen.

Myth #1: It's perfectly legal to drive as slow as I want.

Fact #1: In many states, driving between 15mph and 25mph below the speed limit is considered reckless driving. Other states actually have posted minimum speeds on major highways and interstates. Even more states have laws stating that you "cannot drive so slow that you hinder the flow of traffic." Think about that, dude, next time you decide to drive 5mph under the speed limit on the left side of the interstate and have seven cars backed up behind you.

Every once in awhile when I rant about this in person, I hear things like "Well, some people's cars aren't in very good shape," or "sometimes older people are too afraid to drive at that speed." My answer is, "Why should my life be put in danger because someone else is incapable of driving safely?" Your rights end when my rights begin, so if driving the speed limit is really that difficult for you, then find another means of transportation.

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